Search results

Experience the power of our unified search feature, which effortlessly gathers discussions from across all channels within our application.

Say farewell to scattered conversations and welcome streamlined access to knowledge. Whether it's a recent debate or an archived thread, our unified search brings all discussions to your fingertips, promoting collaboration and boosting productivity.


Within the Sybil tab, you can engage in natural language conversations with our AI-powered chatbot, Sybil. It automatically responds to your inquiries and seamlessly continues the conversation, allowing for a smooth flow of interaction.

Experts & Colleagues

Our search function not only retrieves relevant information but also showcases experts with skills related to your query, based on their expertise acquired through using SylloTips.

These experts are ranked according to the similarity of their skills to your search.

Already know who to contact?
You can streamline your search further by performing a semantic search, enabling you to find and contact specific colleagues by their name.

Documents retrieval

Within the documents section, you'll discover all documents relevant to your search, conveniently accessible directly from SylloTips.

Say goodbye to the hassle of rummaging through numerous folders and drives. Now, you can effortlessly consult the documents you need without any unnecessary searching.
